Everyone is welcome to participate in becoming wellthier with Wellthy Lifestyle Systems!

Now there's a system that works!
BodyComp vs. Weight Loss
The narrative is changing and it’s been supported by science all along. The “Goal” should never be weight loss but rather better overall Body Composition. A system that results in LESS bodyfat, KEEPS/CREATES lean body mass (muscle) and ultimately leads to “Ageless Living” aka looking, performing and feeling good as you go through life.
But why does It all seem so complicated?
Here’s the reality for many: You’ve tried other ways to lose weight, feel great and become better, BUT nothing seems to last, stick or stay. There is something missing—mentally, physically, nutritionally, relationally or maybe even spiritually. The bottom line…You just haven’t found what works and that’s where our WELLthy LIFEstyle SYSTEM comes in.
Our introductory #5lbsIn15Days is a way for you to make simple changes, develop discipline and see some things start to work. While most of you WILL lose 5lbs over the next 15 days, that’s NOT our ultimate goal. We really want to use these next 15 days to explain how the WELLthy LIFEstyle SYSTEM works and why our approach to Whole Wellness Success is so important.
We divide our coaching into 3 categories:
INside Health—Getting healthy from the “inside out” with single ingredient foods, mastering the necessary macros, occasional fasting and recommended nutritional supplement support. Ultimately, how to eat for BodyComp success.
OUTside Health—Getting healthy from the “outside in” by implementing the external factors: strength training, flexibilty, agility instruction, cardio programming, and bio-stacking strategies like grounding, cold water therapy and more.
MINDside Health—Getting your mind “RIGHT” by changing pattern language, setting goals, practicing gratitude and exploring the power of prayer.
Over the next 15 days, follow the plan we put in place Monday thru Friday and be mindful on the weekends remembering what you learn. It’s THAT simple.
Easy—NO. Simple—YES! So here we GO!
Your Coaches,
Rob and Danielle DeBoer
Founders | RADDWAY Whole Wellness
And YOUR WELLthyLIFE Coaches

Coaching and Training
Coaching, Training and Mentoring daily, weekly and monthly including access to powerful recipes and other products and services (all optional) to help you on your health and wellness journey.

Live Weekly Sessions
We offer free guided sessions for both BodyComp Challenge participants as well as for anyone else interested in learning more about how to have a WELLthier LIFEstyle.

Acountability Partners
Join others, as well as the coaches to partner with you in your weight loss journey. Access other community members as well as participate with the challenge groups.
Coach Rob DeBoer
Former 2-Sport College Athlete and Captain at the University of South Carolina
30 years experience as a BodyComp Coach and Fitness Trainer
Fasting, Cold Water Therapy and Practical Nutrition Application Expert
Recognized as the “People’s Coach” for developing “The only diet that works!”

Facebook and Zoom Participation Options
Anyone can participate in the Wellthy Lifestyle Systems, including our live zooms and livestreams for all who are interested!

Those who are specifically participating in the Better BodyComp Challenge are able to join the exclusive BodyComp group.

Only request to join the Better BodyComp Challenge Facebook group if you've received confirmation of your participation in the challenge, have submitted your registration, including proof of your Curbix order.